18 วิธี …รักษาสุขภาพให้แข็งแรง…ไม่ให้เจ็บป่วย

1. Apples, watermelons, bananas, kiwi. Be careful, these 3 kinds of fruits are very useful. But if you are taking antibiotics These fruits will become blamed immediately because it is easily spoiled in the intestines. May cause inflammation in the digestive system.
2. Fruits and meals. Before eating, should be an appetizer with a few pieces of pineapple and papaya. These two fruits contain enzymes that help the stomach digest food. Principles that are easier to follow. And after the delicious meal, end up with an apple to help increase saliva, which will reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth. And helps the gums to be strong too.
3. Do not leave hungry, should eat food on time every day, even if still not feeling hungry. Because when we are hungry, the body will release stress hormones. If this happens regularly, it will make you become stressed out. And can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes
4. Meat and fruit do not match. If eating a small amount is fine, but if you eat a lot of meat, then you should refrain from eating fruits. Because it takes a long time for the meat to be digested Fruit fragments, which digested quickly, will be trapped in the stomach. It causes stomach acid to
5. The healthy biological clock says we should go to bed the same time every day, but most of it Friday night to Saturday, we tend to stay up late because it was a holiday. Doing so will get used to, also known as the biological parts of the body. Therefore do not be surprised that on Monday we are sleepy than usual.
6. Stress destroys the skin if wanting beautiful skin, older, slower, looking younger The first thing that needs to be adjusted is our own thoughts. Try to think positively optimistic Avoid stressful thoughts. In order to prevent the body from releasing stress hormones, destroying ourselves
7. Avoid plastic containers because the heat, including the spicy, sour, salty taste from food, can erode the synthetic substances in plastic to melt and mix with the food at all times. In particular, using plastic containers to put food in a microwave oven is a must. Because it is very risky for breast cancer.
8. Do not underestimate the chronic cough. After a cold has disappeared, the cough may still not go away. But many women tend to ignore it because they think cough is a chill But actually, chronic cough is more serious than you think. Because it can be caused by a virus infection. Antibiotics provided by the doctor to treat cold symptoms can not kill the virus. The most effective way to stop coughing is to drink water often. To reduce sputum in the respiratory tract And get enough sleep for the body’s immune system to function fully
9. Swollen feet and ankles If there are symptoms like this, do not leave. Because the feet are the center of nerves throughout the body. If the foot area has a problem, it will affect every part of the body. The solution is to squat every 15 minutes every day, then move the ankle forward and back to help the blood flow better. After that, use a soft brush. Brush the skin gently Beginning with the sole of the foot and gradually Swipe up to the ankles, calves, thighs, stomach, arms to the end of both hands. (Except those with diabetes because of the risk of wounding), followed by a warm shower followed by cold water Will help the blood flow better.
10. Refrain from caffeine. These beverages, whether tea or coffee. Normally should not drink anyway But if you happen to have back pain These beverages will be your enemy immediately. Because caffeine will reduce the secretion of endorphins, which have properties to help reduce pain in various organs. Your pain will not go away or may increase.
11. Drink water quickly … dangerous for anyone. Said that he should drink 8 glasses of water a day but must gradually drink throughout the day Not all day, don’t drink at all Then gathered at once Because drinking plenty of water At one time can cause water poisoning due to diluted blood And may cause cramps Muscle contraction followed Even if the symptoms are contracted in the brain, heart or lungs, it may cause respiratory failure and death.
12. Morning sunshine. Morning sunlight is a natural drug that everyone can own without having to pay for it. In addition to strengthening the bones, it also causes good mood. Because the sun is light There are vitamins that help stimulate the body to release substances of happiness. Come out against our depression People who walk in the light of the sun look happier than those who are fleeing the sun in the house much.
13. Diabetes. Don’t eat eggs if any member of your family has diabetes. Should let him abstain from eggs entirely because there are medical reports that If people with diabetes eat 1 egg per week, will have more chances of heart disease.
14. Want to be thin, need cold water. Drinking 50 ounces of cold water will burn up 50 calories per day, helping to lose 2.5 kilograms of weight a year, because when we drink cold water, the body needs energy to make the water change to normal temperature first. And then can use Therefore is more energy consuming
15. Healthy immediately upon waking if wanting to take care of health while beginning a new day As soon as I woke up, girls Should mix vinegar (Fermented from apples) and honey in equal proportions Add a little warm water Stir well and drink to help the absorption of the intestinal system and metabolism.
Of the body works well throughout the day
16. Men, do not miss the tomatoes for the feisty men who are beginning to kick, beeps, not loud or afraid of being barren. Tomatoes are fruits that you can’t miss, because ripe tomatoes contain very high levels of kopene. Helps the prostate work well. Various performance and capabilities Therefore working normally If a man eats tomatoes at least 10 or more a week The risk of developing prostate cancer is 45 percent less important. Should be eaten cooked, such as eating Spaghetti Ong Spaghetti, because when the tomatoes are heated, it will release more lycopene.
17. Prevent gastric acid for frequent bloating Should reduce the amount of concentrated fruit juice such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, grapefruits or fresh tomato juice Because these water are very acidic causing flatulence Or if really addictive, can’t really stop May be diluted by mixing a lot of water
18. Dodge Alzheimer with a game. If you don’t want to be Alzheimer or forgetful, girls should practice their brain by playing games that require concentration, such as crosswords. Computer games Or maybe doing activities that require concentration, such as learning music, playing chess, etc., because these games will help the nervous system to work together efficiently.
